I am not dying.

Before I begin, I would love to say thank you God for bringing me to America. You saved my life. As many of you already know, I have been dealing with a rare medical condition called Polycythemia Vera which is a form of blood cancer in the bone. I have a jak2 mutation in my system that is causing my body to produce too much red blood. Twice, I have escaped a serious stroke. A couple months ago, during a soccer match, I had a minor stroke and that was the wake up call that I needed. I went to visit the doctor, thanks to Jenny, a nurse and the mother to one of the kids on my soccer team, the doctor looked at me with disbelief. He had never seen anyone with a high Htc (Hematocrit) during his 30 years of treating cancer patients who is alive without a major stroke. My Htc is 77.9% and regular human beings are supposed to be between 40-54%, and I was 23.9% over. If I had not agreed to get medical help when I did on September 18th, I would have been laying in the hospital bed dealing with a stroke or being put 10ft below ground.

My Plt (Platelets) was 913,000 K/ul and regular human beings are supposed to be between 150-450 K/ul, and if I got to 1,000,000 K/ul with my current jak2 mutation, that will send me into the leukemia zone. There is no cure for my condition, but it is something I could live with as long as I maintained my Htc between 40-54%. I have been going in for a blood removal of 500ml twice a week, and it is something I might have to do for the rest of my life till they come out with a drug that could help control that number without all the blood work. I went from a boiling point of having stroke in a matters of minute to what the doctor called the hot zone to having stroke in a matter of weeks if I am not getting treatment. I am making progress. My red eyes are now white eyes, and I am so excited about that because I am tired of people asking me for weed or looking at me weird as if I was high on weed! I mean, my eyes were super hot red so I don’t blame them. On Tuesday, I will be going for a four hour Biopsy procedure to make sure there is no other mutation hiding in my body. If there is another mutation, then I am heading to the leukemia zone. Please keep me in your prayers, and I will update you about the result next Sunday. I will start from the beginning, when it all began and how I found out about my blood cancer. Every Sunday, I will be posting a blog with the hope of inspiring others with my story. Truth be told, it hasn’t hit me yet. The reality of my condition that I could have a stroke at anytime. The baby asprin I am taking, as a blood thiner, is giving me a stomach ulcer. A very painful one, but I have no choice. Without the baby asprin the chance of having a stroke goes from the hot zone back to the boiling point. When I think of my life and everything, I must say, there is a God watching over me! Till next Sunday my friends! IMG_1691     My new life, bandage on the wound till a cure is found!

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11 thoughts on “I am not dying.

  1. Wow, you are incredibly strong and shown your resiliency! Thinking of you sending healing thoughts and prayers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much! I try my best.


    1. David, thanks very much for sharing the story. You are awesome. My goal is to use this to inspire people because now I know why I was always injured and that cut my pro dream short!


  2. You are strong, brave, and determined my friend! We are so glad you are taking care of yourself :). You are one of the best soccer coaches we have ever had ❤️. We miss you. Many prayers coming your way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much! I might be coming back to help with the 07 as assistance to Dan. Right now I need some smiling and joyful energy, and being around the kids gives me that so I will be coming to assist Dan to be around the kids! Thanks for the prayers!


  3. My thoughts and prayers to you MD. God be with you my brother.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think you just need more time on Bainbridge and some home cooking! No pork or mushrooms! Praying for you my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that is the solution! Hope my friend is doing well and yes no pork hahhaha


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